

Tiered Membership Levels

Pick a program that best fits your goals.

Associate Members


MPPIA member

DigiBC member

Access to voice concerns

Receive communications from Anim & VFX group

Access to applicable Association discounts

Representative Members


Associate member benefits

Eligible to participate in all Committees

Invitation to all A&VFX, MPPIA and DigiBC events

Inclusion in workshopping specific issues facing industry

Access to applicable Association discounts

Steering Members


Representative member benefits

Voting member of Steering Committee

Eligible to Chair in all Committees

Charter Member Membership

Access to Association discounts


We also offer other partnership opportunities

Service Providers,
Academic institutions


Inclusion in workshopping specific issues facing industry

Access to voice concerns

Receive communications from Anim & VFX group


$ Your amount

Opportunity to sponsor organization or specific events

Note: All memberships approved by Steering Committee. All applicants for Steering, Representative and Associate level memberships must be companies providing Animation & VFX services.